JobBOSS | Ideas

Travelers should have revisions

Once a traveler is created, if changes need to be made to it, there should be a revision number added or included.

  • Tyra Riley
  • Sep 18 2019
  • Future Consideration
  • Attach files
  • Aran Blacklocks commented
    August 11, 2020 10:09

    There are a couple of methods you can already use to achieve this.

    1) If you have someone in your company that uses Crystal Reports, you can add a footer section and add any reference for the Traveler template there. We do this and highlight the revision # and our ECO number as a lookup for further details.

    2) If you want traceability for your BOM and Routings per part you can always consider creating a new template job for the part when changes are made. As with above, it would be possible to add the template job reference to know the source for traceability etc when looking at the paper traveler.

  • Guest commented
    June 24, 2020 12:38

    This is a great idea

  • Mark commented
    December 16, 2019 17:40

    To this point, in the aerospace industry (i.e. AS9100) we are required to not only track revisions of our travelers (routings) we also track when and how (who) approved them. Including maintaining a history of changes. Currently, we are facilitating this in JB by creating a pseudo-operation (1st operation of all travelers) and recording the revision lvl, approvals, and approval/change dates. It would be nice to have this controlled by the header job screen/tab.

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