Add a flag (checkbox) that designates if a job traveler has been printed. Without a flag it's possible to overlook printing a traveler. The checkbox can be labeled "PRINTED ?" in the job entry general tab and will be clear when making a job but checked automatically after the job has been printed. Also add a column to the job search window so we can see what jobs are printed.
And by who
or a Last printed: (and date) this way you can see the last printing.
We know that the job has been reviewed for accuracy, material ordered / received, scheduled & printed when the release date field is populated.
I have been saying this for years!!!! We used the old DOS version of JobBOSS and this was a feature that was included. We have missed it since 2002 when we switched to the Windows version of JobBOSS. Such a simple thing but saves a lot of time looking all over the shop for a Traveler that was never printed!!!
What we do is add it as the first work center operation; again, not automatic but gets us by. We also use the dashboard so this also keeps the job from showing up at the first work center before it is ready.
We use one of the custom fields in job entry for this. It's a good work around, though not automatic.