JobBOSS | Ideas


Have the ability to use a tablet or iPad to make the traveler a living document. Eliminating the need for paper travelers. Link prints and quality documents to it as well allowing in process inspections per operations.

  • Guest
  • Dec 9 2020
  • Future Consideration
  • Attach files
  • John Novo commented
    19 Jan, 2023 01:34pm

    Disregard comment, it was for another enhancement

  • John Novo commented
    19 Jan, 2023 01:31pm

    This is something we find frustrating here as well. We have tried to set up a separate code for these, (discount, shipping, freight), etc. Then add to order as a part, but this is only a work-around. When adding amount in shipping charges to the receiver it actually puts it into shipping as income and not add to the cost of the purchase order as expense.