JobBOSS | Ideas

Allow attachments to be viewed thru DC Mobile

We are a company trying to go as paperless as possible. We attach a "PDF" print of every part to the routing. The "Workstation Driver" allows users to view drawings. We have assigned tablets to our employees and they use DC mobile at their machines.

  • Ben Muilenburg
  • Nov 10 2017
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • Danny Hogge commented
    18 Jul 19:47

    Bump. We've been asking for this for SEVEN years.

  • Paul J commented
    10 Apr 23:34

    Same. We also have been begging for this.

    Or, if we can't get this, let the path/link to the document be embedded in a barcode that gets printed with the job traveller or that can be pulled up immediately from any PCDC session by scanning the job traveller's barcode.
    IE: Instead of Start --> Scan users would press a new button ie: DWG --> Scan, and the part would instanstly display.

    Please help us stop printing part drawings! This causes revision confusion ( to say the least ) --- we run a lot of revised part runs. <3

  • Danny Hogge commented
    March 22, 2023 19:00

    Just giving this post a "bump" so JB Developers don't forget about it.

  • Danny Hogge commented
    December 28, 2022 19:23

    Please add this! ProShop is so far ahead of JB in this area. This request is 5 years old and would be a game-changer!

  • Guest commented
    May 08, 2020 16:33

    would like to see attachments and routing notes in DC mobile

  • Guest commented
    February 06, 2020 09:01

    We are very keen to see this implemented in support of our shop-floor "Go Digital" plan. Hoping to see it move into the "Planned" section very soon...

  • Jordan Davis commented
    February 05, 2020 19:29

    Come on JB....this was submitted over 2 years ago and is by far the most popular DC mobile request...why the long delay in incorporating this feature?

  • Paul Saini commented
    March 09, 2018 13:55
