We are a company trying to go as paperless as possible. We attach a "PDF" print of every part to the routing. The "Workstation Driver" allows users to view drawings. We have assigned tablets to our employees and they use DC mobile at their machines.
Or, if we can't get this, let the path/link to the document be embedded in a barcode that gets printed with the job traveller or that can be pulled up immediately from any PCDC session by scanning the job traveller's barcode. IE: Instead of Start --> Scan users would press a new button ie: DWG --> Scan, and the part would instanstly display.
Please help us stop printing part drawings! This causes revision confusion ( to say the least ) --- we run a lot of revised part runs. <3
Bump. We've been asking for this for SEVEN years.
Same. We also have been begging for this.
Or, if we can't get this, let the path/link to the document be embedded in a barcode that gets printed with the job traveller or that can be pulled up immediately from any PCDC session by scanning the job traveller's barcode.
IE: Instead of Start --> Scan users would press a new button ie: DWG --> Scan, and the part would instanstly display.
Please help us stop printing part drawings! This causes revision confusion ( to say the least ) --- we run a lot of revised part runs. <3
Just giving this post a "bump" so JB Developers don't forget about it.
Please add this! ProShop is so far ahead of JB in this area. This request is 5 years old and would be a game-changer!
would like to see attachments and routing notes in DC mobile
We are very keen to see this implemented in support of our shop-floor "Go Digital" plan. Hoping to see it move into the "Planned" section very soon...
Come on JB....this was submitted over 2 years ago and is by far the most popular DC mobile request...why the long delay in incorporating this feature?