JobBOSS | Ideas

Map more data from CAD/CAM software to JobBOSS for Material Library import

In order to fully utilize the benefit of a CAD BOM Import Utility, it would be helpful allow more data to map from the CAD software to JobBOSS. Fields specification such as:

  • Pick or Buy?
  • Buy for stock or inventory?
  • Is it taxable?
  • What is the purchase UoM and the conversion?
  • Default G/L account? 
  • ..and more

These are a few of the missing yet vital pieces of information that the end-user is required to go back into the material and fill out. When dealing with a multi-level BOM structure that consists of literally thousands of parts, this becomes a monumental task. 

  • Nick Lindsay
  • Apr 11 2017
  • Future Consideration
  • Attach files
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    • Guest commented
      December 12, 2022 15:18

      We can map the raw stock number through CAD BOM utility and it will get populated under the materials tab in JOBBOSS software.

    • Ric Bishop commented
      September 27, 2021 20:23

      I agree. The current import is inadequate and requires a lot of manual intervention by purchasing AFTER engineering has imported the items to the job.

      Only 3 fields are mapped from Excel: Part #, Description, and Qty.

      • None of these allows purchasing to contact a vendor to buy something.

      At a minimum, Vendor and Vendor Ref should be added to the import utility. CAB BOM knows the available jobs, so it should be smart enough to present the available Vendors. Then vendor ref# is the actual purchasing number.

      The effort to create part information has been done in engineering. I do not want purchasing re-creating the effort. This wastes time and allows for error.

    • Hannah Whitlock commented
      February 08, 2018 19:35

      I agree with Nick. When importing, using an excel BOM, the only columns imported to JB are the columns in the Cad Importer. Even though we are calling out an item number in the importer it is not brought into JB. It must be manually added once the job has been created. This has proven to be very inconvenient and slightly redundant. It would be much more efficient if we were able to import directly to the blank "Detail Number" field in JB, which will allow numbers as well as letters. We use that field for "Item Number-Cut Code". Currently, once the importer has been implemented and the job has been created, we must manually fill out the Detail Number, or it will be an additional blank on the traveler and the item will not correlate directly to the drawing. 

    • Nick Lindsay commented
      April 19, 2017 14:18

      Hi Omar, 


         We are using Solidworks as our CAD/CAM software. It does not contain the information required to set up the material in JB, so i would prefer there to be a selection of defaults, check boxes, or the like in order to not have to go back into the database and either change, or add the necessary data required to have JB recognize the newly imported materials as it should. The data would HAVE to be done in the material library. We are not a job shop. The inability to create master Bill of Materials without having to do it as a Job hinders our data going in and coming out. But we work with it. All we need is a more efficient method of data migration. 

    • Omar Ghazi commented
      April 18, 2017 20:01

      Hi Nick,

      What CAD software are you using? Does your CAD software already allows for this information to be housed? Or is this something you are looking to fill out in the CAD BOM Utility?

      Additionally where are you envisioning this data being entered at? Material library in System Administration? Or Material requirement on the job?