JobBOSS | Ideas

Automatically copy Template Routings and Materials when a templated subassembly is imported on a job

When a sub-assembly with a Template job exists in JobBoss (such as this latch in attached image), it seems like we have a few options for importing these types of things, yet none of them “just work”.


One option shows me JobBoss is really close to being there on this; perhaps it’s just flipping an option on somewhere in the code and no one has asked before? When we manually add a Job on the Assembly Tab and type in the Material ID with an existing Template Job, JobBoss is smart enough to add all of the material and routings from the template. This tells me the smarts are already programed in.


In order for our work to flow more quickly through design and engineering, I would actually like to create more Sub-Assemblies with Template jobs to be able to drop in and go. If we continue to work without the sub-assemblies, we have to balloon and detail all sorts of hardware and items that we use over and over. I would like to build an assembly “flip-book” of multiple prints for the way these sub components go together, push them as subs, and greatly reduce the detailing required for every job. If we continue with the need to touch or manually manage them on the back side every order, every time, it really defeats the purpose.


Our current options for importing templated sub-assemblies, as I understand them:





Import as a Material

Serves as a placeholder

Have to go to Assembly tab and manually add a Job


When you manually add a job, it picks up the Template Material, Routings, etc.

Have to manually delete Material from Material tab after creating the job




Import as an Assembly

It goes to the correct "side" in JobBoss

Will not pick up Template Routing


Can import all of the Materials under the assembly

Have to manually select each assembly and Copy From & search, then drag the routing across


This enhancement request is for JobBoss to recognize, during import, that the Template exists and apply it.


Ideally, you would import these as Assembly in CADBOM and JobBoss would apply the rest.

  • Guest
  • Feb 11 2020
  • Future Consideration
  • Attach files
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    • Eric Geysen commented
      May 07, 2020 10:26

      Any idea this would be possible in the future?

      We have invest in this addon and this is really a downside. We have to go trough 750 subassembly jobs to copy all routing steps.

      I would be almost better to just build the components up by ourselves.