JobBOSS | Ideas

Allow abilty to clear users from client side.

Currently if you need to clear a user, you need to access the server.  There are no standard utilities or options to purge users from a client station.  This is a challenge as many are moving towards outside IT or hosted solutions and customers no longer have access to the server.  Others are not technical users and do not understand how to connect to the JB Server.

If the user has access to the server, this is a <3min call to clear a user, this rarely is the case.

If the user does not have access to the server, the event may take most of the day to get a user cleared.


The desire/idea would be able to clear a user from a client station as standard functionality of JobBOSS.  This is a huge cost avoidance and time savings.

  • Guest
  • Mar 23 2018
  • Developed
  • Apr 23, 2018

    Admin response

    With JobBOSS 2018 released today, we have re-imagined and renamed the JobBOSS DB Manager. 


    JobBOSS DB Manager is now known as JobBOSS Toolbox and it is a complete UI overhaul. It is designed to provide users a consistent JobBOSS experience with more intuitive controls. 


    JobBOSS Toolbox will also allow clearing users from client side as you are able to use JobBOSS Toolbox from a client station.

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    July 21, 2020 17:35

    Works great, only if the user is an administrator in Jobboss. A standard user cannot log in to Toolbox to my knowledge. There should be a way for a user to clear themselves out of Jobboss without needing administrator rights.

    This needs to be looked at more.

  • Chuck Boozer commented
    April 09, 2020 14:34

    This is possible from the client side, although not documented as far as I know. Anyway, here is how to do it. This may copy some unnecessary files but the end result was that our client users had JobBoss Toolbox. This is what I did, your steps might be slightly different.

    1. On the JobBoss server, go to C:\ProgramData\JobBoss

    2. Copy all files. I did not need the folders or any data within them.

    3. On a location on the client computer, paste those files. I put them in C:\ProgramData\JobBoss\JobBoss Toolbox

    4. Create a shortcut to JobBOSSToolbox.exe on the user's desktop

    5. Run it as usual

  • Guest commented
    October 26, 2018 20:47

    That comment is useless. Thanks for nothing

  • Linda Bernier commented
    May 16, 2018 11:31

    Where is this found?