JobBOSS | Ideas

Increase character limit - Material Description

For a business as big as ours, the character limit really limits our inventory side of production. With as many parts that we have in inventory, we have a specific format we like to follow when inputting material descriptions. For example, SCREW, SOCKET SET CUP POINT #10-32 X.1875 18-8SS. I understand that abbreviating everything is a temporary fix, but we would like more characters to provide more information to our production line. 

  • Guest
  • Sep 13 2017
  • Developed
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    • Jason Thomas commented
      April 06, 2022 14:48

      Developed? Is this coming to a future release? as of 2021 SP1 it's 30 chars for material ID an 30 for description.

    • Jon Sjulander commented
      April 05, 2022 20:14

      Yes please. There are so many field sizes that are too small.

      Jon Sjulander
      Eagle Industries, Inc
      207 929-3700
      207 536-9449 (Direct line)

      Effective 7/3/2020
      Monday ��� Thursday 5:30 AM to 5:00 PM
      Eagle is closed on Friday

    • Mary Hebert commented
      February 10, 2022 19:29

      Please advise when the material module, balances tab, lot number field will have unlimited characters. We need unlimited because this is being used for stock tags. The lot number is the stock tag number. There are many lot numbers per material ID. Each lot number has notes unique to that lot number, which can be extensive depending on much is in each lot. We're currently using an Access database, which is failing because it's so huge & cumbersome. I've developed a stock tag system through Crystal Reports linked directly to Job Boss, but can't use it because of this one blockage. We've spent a lot of time & $ developing this system. Please respond.

    • Guest commented
      September 29, 2021 14:13

      Please provide "Status Planned" for which release or Version or Approximate Date

    • Jonathan Weaver commented
      January 11, 2021 14:53

      As long as the Description field stays a VARCHAR and doesn't become a MEMO data type, then this would be great.

      As noted in the original post, it's really difficult to describe things like special screws and plate steel dimensions within the limits of the current JobBOSS Material Description.

      If it goes to a Memo field type, then it becomes more difficult to extract and format for custom reports. A regular VARCHAR field that's 50 to 75 characters should be plenty.



    • Ezra C commented
      July 23, 2020 15:06

      We decided to buy JobBoss to reduce our need to change between programs. this issue forces us to use Quickbooks for our POs and Sales orders. effectivly excluding Jobboss from the purpose we bought it for. Our vendors and customer have part nembers and descriptions that are just impossible to reduce to 30 characters.

    • Bryce Shashinka commented
      May 26, 2020 11:34

      the rationale i was given when i asked about this in a training in September 19 was that the UI was written in Delphi which does not support dynamic field sizes so they limited input characters so things would not get cut off.

    • Guest commented
      November 02, 2018 16:18

      Always bullied by JobBOSS to makes descriptions shorter to the point where you can not describe your item properly. Defeats the purpose of adding material.... This is an awful flaw that should be fixed IMMEDIATELY.

      These fields should be unlimited. 

    • Chad Tessmann commented
      August 16, 2018 15:47

      This idea is the same as another suggestion.  Pleas combine the two ideas. 

      Reference idea titled: "Expand the material part field from 30 characters to 50 or 60."

    • DAWN BACK commented
      July 24, 2018 20:23

      This is such an issue for us as well! They did change it so you can type 50 characters into the material id but the only 30 of the characters show on the purchase order! It should be unlimited! Sometimes our part numbers are so long I can't fit the entire thing in the space provided. So frustrating.

    • Daniel Smith commented
      May 30, 2018 19:16

      The character limit for part descriptions should definitely be expanded to at least 60 characters.  We import most of our BOM items from the CAD BOM import tool, sometimes 1000 parts at a time.  We end up with a significant number of items with the exact same description since they get cut off after 30 characters.  Our fabrication an integration shops are driven crazy by it.  The part number field character limit has been increased in the latest version, why not the description field which is typically longer anyway??