When a job is placed on "HOLD" it is still driving demand for material. If a job status was present on the material planning report, i.e. "Open, Started, Closed or Hold this would allow users to see that the job is on hold and material is not required at that time. Currently you have to print the report and then manually go to each job to see if it is on Hold or Open. Very time consuming..
We also customized the Material Planning report so that we can pull it with Active jobs only (excluding both pending and hold) for this very reason. I find it interesting that Nick Lindsay was able to upload/attach an rpt file, , but I wasn't able to. Nick - if you read this and could let me know how to do that so I can share custom reports where helpful, that would be appreciated. I'd also be interested in sharing my version of this report, which auto-filters to active jobs only. Thanks !
Jeff - try this.. :-)