TO save time and cause less confusion, it would really help if multiple delivery dates could be added to a single Sales Order Line. For example Line 001 of our customer PO may be for 30 pieces, but the agreed upon delivery schedule may be broken up into shipments of 5 pieces per month. The way we are working around this, is by creating additional lines for each delivery schedule. In the example above, the sales order would have 5 lines, named: 001-1; 001-2; 001-3; 001-4; 001-5 for 5 pieces each and one month apart. It works, but just like it's possible to setup multiple delivery lines in Material Control>Purchase Orders, Sales Orders should have this feature to capture requirements exactly as they appear on the PO and also save time and cause less confusion.
We also run into this issue frequently. This added functionality would be extremely beneficial.