JobBOSS | Ideas

Attaching files rather then specifying a path / Share Point Online

Users should be able to attach travelers to Jobs with an actual attachement, or support should be added for Sharepoint Online.

Currently this program requires an on-prem file share and any files residing in Sharepoint online are unable to be attached due to the antiquated code and only specifying a path to the file versus attaching the file to the actual Job.

  • Guest
  • Jan 6 2021
  • Already exists
  • Jan 13, 2021

    Admin response

    Hi Frank - will you please clarify this further? You can use URLs. And we don't attach the actual files because that can consume a lot of space in the database and most of our customers are using SQL Express which has file size limitations.

    You should be able to add a URL (using the "chain icon"🔗 and not the paperclip 📎) to the "Link Path" and add a description as shown on the following screenshot

  • Attach files
  • Guest commented
    6 Jan, 2021 07:42pm

    Sure thing, basically I'm looking for a way to let users link files from sharepoint online vice an on prem file share. If you can point me to a way to do that it would be wonderful.