JobBOSS | Ideas

Current Time/ hours worked today/ hours worked this pay period

An updated time on the URL would be great!  The operators have an accurate time stamp of their clock in, and log.  Yes, once they hit "Clock in" there is a stamp, but that's after the fact, not before.  In the same token.  When clocking out, whether for lunch, or end of day, a tally of today's hours worked, and total work hours for the week would give them a reassurance of the clocking in and out.

  • Eddie Garcia
  • Oct 19 2017
  • Future Consideration
  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Patrick Walters commented
      March 27, 2018 15:35

      Our users have been bugging us for a while about not being able to see their total hours for the week. This would be a very helpful addition for us.