JobBOSS | Ideas

Update the quote field chooser to include PART & DESCRIPTION search options.

We recently up dated our job boss system to 2018 SP4. The previous version had quote categories that included Part number and Description in the search columns.  How can we add these columns in the new version? We use these categories to search for previous quote descriptions, that are similar to potential new programs and business.

  • Guest
  • Jan 3 2020
  • Already exists
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  • Logan Paquin commented
    March 20, 2020 18:54

    Hi Peter,

    Going back many versions, even to version 9, this search function has been consistent that we can see. This created some confusion for us, as unless you were on a version prior to v9 when you updated, the experience should be the same. Both the part number and description are in the 'details' section of the quote search. You can also search by these.