JobBOSS | Ideas


Using the CAD BOM Upload Utility or Manually loading into Job Entry the Raw Material Requirements from the calculator on a job that has a value less <0.01 the system will round to a default to 0.00 for usage. We make many custom parts on most orders produced due to our products sold. We nest multiple different parts to a full sheet of material (60x120). Can the software support changing/rounding up the value field to at least read usage of .01 or extend the the calculation requirements to 3 decimals fields so the values will load to a job and be available to consume material? We manually go back into Jobs and look for parts that did not load a value for material and fake the system to recognize demand & usage by updating the field manually to consume 0.01 (costing us labor to review jobs). Over time it causes a inventory variance if parts are not caught/changed manually creating physically material shortages. Shortages create more Cycle Counts and Material Adjustments to make sure there is material on hand as the system states. Over a couple of months, the effects of shortages show in Material Adjustments increasing Indirect cost and not documenting correctly on actual cost on Job Orders.

  • Laura Erwin
  • Dec 18 2023
  • Future Consideration
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