JobBOSS | Ideas

Attendance Module shows the First Day as Monday even though first day of any week is Sunday per the calander

I suspect this is driven from the Shift Module which allows you to set the first day of the week on any day where there is a Start or End Time. The problem is that if any time is entered for Sunday it is pushed into the previous week. One solution would be to allow you to select the First Day as Sunday even if you do not have a Start End Time listed.

  • Andy Knebel
  • Dec 18 2020
  • Already exists
  • Jan 6, 2021

    Admin response

    Thanks for submitting your idea, Andy!

    Attendance is based on your shift. So you can select whichever working day (Sunday, Monday, Thursday, etc) to be the starting day of the week which will transfer over into the attendance records. If nothing is selected, it will default to whichever the first marked working day is, which for most people is Monday. You can also experiment with this with Shift 1 and Shift 2 in the training database.

  • Attach files
  • Andy Knebel commented
    6 Jan, 2021 09:06pm

    Actually what I have asked for does not exist. Many calendar have the first day of the week as Sunday, you are forcing me to start the week based on the first day we have the shift setup or it can be one of the other days we have listed on the shifts. The problem comes when we have someone happen to work outside their normal defined shift. (example we have someone come in and work on a Sunday one week but there normal shift is Monday through Thursday) I need to have the option to be able have that show up as the first work day in that week instead of the last day in the previous week. That is why I would like to have the option to select my default as Sunday even though it is not a normal day in their shift. It would be nice if we left it blank then it would default to Sunday as the first day instead of day listed on the shift.