JobBOSS | Ideas

Enhanced material estimated costing/purchasing functionality

Currently estimated material costs can only use one method. It's either always vendor pricing or always one of the other methods based on selection in system admin-> costing->inventory costing methods->estimates. If vendor pricing is used and none exists it always uses $0.00 even if average/last/standard costs exists

If I write a PO to a vendor for a material that has vendor pricing data available for that vendor, it should use it and default to zero if none exists.

Everywhere else (quoting, order processing, etc.) it should use last/average/standard (whichever is selected.)

Perhaps add a purchasing costing method with the option for "Vendor price if available, last/average/standard if not"

Also the ability to add/update vendor prices from purchasing. If I write a purchase order to a vendor for a material, the actual price for the material could update the vendor pricing for that material automatically.

  • Jason Thomas
  • Dec 1 2020
  • Future Consideration
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