JobBOSS | Ideas


Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit JBCORE-I-1196 Sorting job entry search by job doesn't search in numerical order..

Sort Mixed Alphanumeric correctly Merged

I've seen a couple ideas related to this (pertaining to specific fields) but all sortable fields in JobBOSS(Material ID's, descriptions, etc.) typically have a mix of alpha numeric characters. Rather than doing a simple sort, which sorts incorrectly(1,11,2,20...), write the code to make them sort correctly(1,2,11,20...).

also A1,A2,A11,A20,1,2,11,20 should sort as 1,2,11,20,A1,A2,A11,A20

  • Jason Thomas
  • Aug 26 2020
  • Future Consideration