JobBOSS | Ideas


Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit JBCORE-I-223 Allow search of vendor reference number.

Easier Vendor Part number search Merged

There is no easy way too currently search for an inventory part based on the Vendor part number. When having multiple vendors, we would prefer to standardize our number scheme, but without the ability to search based on the vendor information, it is an impossible task.

  • Nick Lindsay
  • Apr 12 2017
  • Future Consideration
  • Nick Lindsay commented
    August 23, 2018 19:12

    After some research, I have created a Query that will work in Shop Alerts that will do this. Now if only it could be a search bar for Material...


    SELECT Material.Material, Material.Description, Vendor_Material.Vendor_Reference, Vendor_Material.Vendor, Material.Status
    FROM Material INNER JOIN
    Vendor_Material ON Material.Material = Vendor_Material.Material_Owner
    WHERE Vendor_Material.Vendor_Reference = 'INSERT VENDOR NUMBER HERE'

  • Nick Lindsay commented
    April 19, 2017 14:11

    Hi Omar, 


       I am not referring to anything in Workstation Driver. Instead, I am in JobBOSS>System Administration>Material. As far as standardizing part numbers, when we have multiple vendors for the same item. For instance: we order an electric hoist from Mcmaster-Carr, MSC, General Hoist, and a local vendor. With 4 different vendor part numbers, we would decide to give it our own part number (PUR-500100). Our issue is that we would not be able to find that PUR number based on the vendor part number. We attempted to have it in the description field, but with the character count only allowing 30, large part numbers would take up valuable real estate. By allowing the user to search for materials via vendor part number, this would eliminate the need for multiple material id's for the same part. 

  • Omar Ghazi commented
    April 18, 2017 19:52

    Hi Nick,

    Can you please clarify which transactions within Workstation Driver are you referencing? Also, when you say standardize your part numbers, can you please clarify further on that please?