JobBOSS | Ideas

Add Pictures to the individual Job Routing Operations/Work Centers

  In the routings add say up to 2 or 3 pictures in a pre-defined JobBoss picture size no matter what size image is imported.  I know it will blow up the Traveler quantity of pages so it should be toggled on or off per routing line and not every operation.  If all of the operations are turned off, the travelers won't be any larger than they currently are.  Not all operations need it so that will cut down on how many pages will be printed as well.

  My reason for adding a picture is "A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words" but really it is a 1,000 words in English, a 1,000 words in Spanish, a 1,000 words in Vietnamese, 1,000  words in French, etc etc.  As the skilled labor pool is getting smaller I have found it is also becoming more diversified in the workers first languages in order to hire good people.  This will help to communicate to everyone and  even help with employees in the office who don't have a personality to convey a message to people on the shop floor.  Having a picture on the operation that needs more details will really help.  It can be used for showing the exact locations of welds if symbols are confusing, the orientation of a complicated mill fixture setup that isn't performed often or assembly of some parts when a customer has a horrible drawing that we have to live with.  It seems documentation from customers on their own parts is getting worse and they expect us to make up the difference.  We started trying to photocopy some drawings, but keeping it in the traveler operation at the point of use would be much better.  When we have the separate photos printed in the past, the first several operations don't always keep up with them so the photo's don't make it to the operation down the line where they are needed but the traveler always does.  It's a thought since we can toggle the barcodes on or off, why not photos.

  Phase 2, why not make the pictures available at the data collection PC.  When the employee clocks into the job, they can see the pictures and if they want to see more detail, open them full size on the monitor.  They can zoom in, scroll and see specifics about the parts before starting the job.  From there they can even print out the image on a full sheet of paper to take with them if they really need it.  

  • Greg Griffin
  • Sep 17 2017
  • Likely to implement
  • Sep 26, 2017

    Admin response

    Hi Greg - thank you for submitting your idea. Have you tried using the Routing Notes attachments in JobBOSS, and viewing them in Work Station Driver under Job Data > Drawing button?

  • Attach files
      Drop here to upload
    • Erika Battaglia commented
      September 06, 2024 14:58

      Yes please allow pictures on shop travelers to be printed out. It makes a huge difference in how to follow directions!

    • John Novo commented
      January 19, 2023 14:08

      I have been a big proponent to this in all modules!.. I was able to get ECi to finally code the Job Labels to allow photo's, they had the field in the report, but it wouldn't print. This may be the case across many levels... It is a "half baked" roll out, where they put the photo in the job traveler but the code wasn't finished across all modules?.. So you can use the photo for the part in the job traveler but you cannot assign photos to the BOM parts needed in that same report. I tried to also do similar for the work order. Apparently there is some code they need to apply to pull the photo from the repository. The file name is stored in the photo field but not the actual photo, so without this extra coding it doesn't pull the photo.

      I hope more folks will see this and vote for it as well! PLEASE.

    • Guest commented
      August 17, 2021 20:48

      Add this picture to the material Item module, so when you look for a material Item the picture will be there so you can see what you looking at.

    • Stephen Bardos commented
      January 31, 2020 19:43

      This is a fantastic idea. At my shop we've had to create documents with images and text to explain things to workers who speak very little English. It was a huge help. So the ability to import this to a router vs printing a separate document would be very helpful.

    • Greg Griffin commented
      September 26, 2017 21:20

      Yes I have.  Please see comment referencing the issue that the shop workers will often loose drawings and pages that are not pertinent to them and the traveler is the one item they rarely lose.  Also the data is right where the are looking and scanning in that Operations so they cannot miss the extra details on the job since they are listed right where the bar code is and specific notes are listed vs. expecting them to thumb through the packet to find what they think might be applicable to them.  We have a lot of operations to some of the jobs so I need to ensure we keep things as simple and child proof as possible.