JobBOSS | Ideas

Add a Default Billing or Accounts Payables Check Box in Contacts for Invoicing - Sending Invoices by Email

It would help a ton if we could select a default AP Contact for each customer so that when we are generating invoices for customers who prefer to receive them electronically it can pull the correct email address. It would work equally well if a check box could be added for it in the Contacts tab or if an email address input box was created for Customer Addresses so you could select one for Default Billing.


Right now, JobBoss is currently set up to pull the email address of whoever quoted or ordered the parts, which is almost never the same person that is responsible for payables. When you're generating hundreds of invoices for hundreds of different customers every week, it is incredibly time consuming and frustrating to figure out who is the proper contact and manually change it on every one.

  • Guest
  • Sep 14 2017
  • Developed
  • Oct 10, 2017

    Admin response

    Thank you for submitting your idea. Most of our customers set up a contact for the payables department or group to choose from within customer invoices when creating an invoice.

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    • Michelle Melgosa commented
      February 13, 2019 19:51

      If we could select more than one that would be great too.  We have several customers that need invoices emailed to two or more contacts. 

    • JP Leclerc commented
      July 16, 2018 19:14

      Is this also possible to be the exact thing in the accounts receivable module as well

    • Oscar Salazar commented
      May 27, 2018 23:54

      We developed an in-house solution to this issue with Event Manager that reads the email address(es) from a custom field (as it allows for more characters) in the Customer module.

    • Omar Ghazi commented
      October 10, 2017 19:34

      Based on further internal discussion we believe that the idea you have provided here in the comments section is more feasible and do-able than the original request you provided. May we please ask you to update your original idea to reflect your suggestion in the comment so our other users can accurately view the idea and vote/comment please? Thank you!

    • Guest commented
      September 29, 2017 20:11

      Right, we have done that too...but it really doesn't help anything.

      We are generating hundreds of invoices every single week and have hundreds of customers that have any number of contacts for each company. If there was a check box next to the payables contact to designate them the default recipient of emailed invoices (kind of like the default shipping & billing thing in the locations tab) it would work just as well for what I'm asking! We don't want to hunt down the list of possible contacts every time, and currently it is already set up to pull a default recipient...just from the wrong place (whoever quoted or ordered). It should just be an easy fix to change where it's pulling that from.

      What is the purpose of the email input box right by the check box for emailing reports? Please see the attached photo if you don't know which input box I'm talking about.

      Can't you make it pull the address from there by default for invoicing? We would be happy to pay for it if you could solve this seemingly simple issue for us.

    • +2