JobBOSS | Ideas

Purchase Order - CANCEL entire PO.

Add the ability to CANCEL a PO, which would remove the requirements if it is a buy-to-job and would remove the quantities "on order" from buy-for-stock material.

  • jd weaver
  • Jul 20 2017
  • Future Consideration
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    • Lana Mitchell commented
      March 13, 2023 17:47

      Has JobBOSS' added an option for cancelling PO's to date? If yes, I have not found it.

    • Jason Thomas commented
      March 18, 2021 21:23

      +1 to canceling a PO. It seems odd a PO wouldn't have a status of cancelled as an option.

    • jd weaver commented
      July 25, 2017 20:11

      When cancelling the PO, we want to remove the Requirements from Jobs.

      Creation of the PO creates the Requirement, when the line item is associated with a Job. Generally, we do not create the Requirement first and then create the PO from the requirement list. In our situation, our engineers notify our purchasing department of what is needed and then Purchasing generates the PO and associates the lines with a Job, which creates the Requirement. I know that’s probably backwards from most companies, but they have their reasons. Suppose, for example, we have requirements and the PO is generated, then they decide to change the vendor or something of that nature. If the Requirement is still needed, we would RE-Create a NEW PO which would automatically re-create the new requirement.

      Our purchasing guy says he handles this kind of thing by DELETING the PO. Which is possible if there has not been activity such as a receipt. However, I feel we are losing information by doing that. I am not sure that deletion of a PO removes Requirements from Jobs. We have had duplications occur because a PO might be deleted and the requirement wasn’t removed. Then a new PO created and a new requirement is created. Then, we have double “requirements” After discovering, what I call orphaned requirement, a new PO is created and then we get double parts. (at least that’s what I understand from what they tell me.)

      When a PO is deleted, it removes all record of it. What would be better is to Cancel so that there is a history of the Purchase Order Creation. Of course a Cancelation should remove Job Requirements if the material is Stock it should adjust the “On Order” values for the material. It would be the reverse of creating a PO. Cancellation would leave a record of the PO # , but it would be given a special status and none of the quantities or costs would be passed on to the rest of the system.

      We have attempted to deal with cancellations in another way too. We have tried to handle this by changing the Quantity and cost of all the lines on the PO to Zero. I don’t know if this removes Job Requirements. I think the user is prompted, but they must be answering wrong.
      I recall that when we used this method, the Material Requirement remained and it was necessary to manually edit the Job to remove the requirements.

      I hope this helps.

      J Weaver
      Tel: 828 619-3150

    • Logan Paquin commented
      July 25, 2017 19:37

      Hi JD,

      To confirm your request, which of the following are you looking for:

      1. When you CANCEL a PO, you want not only that PO record, but also the actions/deliverables required with that order cancelled as well (requirements and/or quantities on order)

      2. When you CANCEL a PO, you still want those requirements and/or quantities on order to be in the system (as is today), but you want a record of these POs you have cancelled in the system.

      Please let us know.