JobBOSS | Ideas

Sales Order Request Date

In both the Sales Order Header and Detail add a request date field. Today only a Promise Date is available. Other than manually or using a Custom Field, there is not logging of request dates from customer PO's

  • Terry McCormick
  • Mar 23 2021
  • Future Consideration
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    • Guest commented
      April 25, 2022 15:41

      Request and Promise Dates exist on Deliveries for Jobs - So why doesn't the same feature exist on Sales Order Detail Lines? Sales order Detail Lines are in essence the Sales Order equivalent of Deliveries on a Job.

    • Brendan M commented
      August 20, 2021 16:57

      also add the option of displaying the "requested date" and/or "promised date" to the traveler, and every other report in JB. As it stands now, it can only show the promised date.

      My shop staff does not do a great job of factoring in shipping times. Yes, I can manipulate this by entering the ship dates as promised dates, but then all other reports are skewed by this data (on-time deliveries, etc). What's ths point of having the "requested date" if it can't be used in any reports? i see buried in the formulas there is a "ship date" but i can't find any option to turn this on, nor am I that well versed in crystal reports to do it myself.