JobBOSS | Ideas

Open Multiples of the Same Module

It would be a great help if I could open the same module multiple times for comparison use. I have had on several occasions lately, noticed that I am comparing either multiple jobs or multiple scan data. so I am logging into one and then out and into the next one and then back. It really came to a point this week when I needed to look at 5 different jobs for the same part to check out the issue we were facing. It would be helpful if I could open the same module several times to look at the different jobs. Like opening different word docs, excel sheets, pdf docs, etc. using tabs type look to go back and forth. Of course with that, the tab at the bottom that denotes which module is open would have to be modified to show job # or po # or whatever.

  • Steve Daniel
  • Feb 4 2021
  • Future Consideration
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