JobBOSS | Ideas

ShopBOSS - View Settings configurable by User

Why is it useful ?

  • So that each user can configure ShopBOSS for what they actually need visibility to; for example, we have several different "shops" which handle widely varied activities; we have the "plating shop", the "welding shop" the "machine shop", etc., etc.. Welding Supervisors aren't concerned with seeing the load in the Plating Shop, but must scroll to the bottom of all the "plating" work centers to see their "weld cell" work centers. Similarly, Plating Supervisors aren't concerned with Machine Shop load but must scroll past all of the CNC work centers to get to their plating work centers. It would be so nice to have ShopBOSS view settings "user specific" so that when each user opens ShopBOSS, they see what is most important to them.

Who would benefit from it ?

  • Supervisors, administrators, customer service staff -- anyone that needs to know current lead times on specific work centers, would benefit from being able to configure the view to contain only the work centers they are responsible for.

How should it work ?

  • ShopBOSS settings would save per User ID, instead of globally.

  • There should be preferences under System Administration so that ShopBOSS Preferences can be set globally, but which work centers are being viewed, can be chosen by the individual user.

% Impact Calculated

This is a "time saver" for supervisors, administrators, customer service staff, etc.; it would remove frustration (scrolling up and down to view the work centers that relate, instead of being able to view them all on one screen) and would eliminate users "customizing" the settings only to find out they've modified them for ALL users. On average, customer care keeps the ShopBOSS screen open and refers to it at least 5 times a day; at a savings of 1 minute of time each, this would be 5 minutes per day x 5 days a week, equals about half an hour saved; that's about 2% of a work week.

  • Tameilya Terrace
  • Aug 12 2020
  • Future Consideration
  • Attach files