JobBOSS | Ideas

Search Report - be able to directly enter and apply the Formula

Why is it useful ?

  • To be able to quickly Search reports using the same filter every time, without re-entering the formula; also much simpler than selecting "wrong" data so that the "Apply" button will become active, and then over-writing with the formula you really want to use.

  • The Select Argument drop-down does not allow for referencing one Field Name against another; example: when running the Where Used report, one of my favorite formulas is: {MC_WhereUsed_Requirements_TTX.nEstQty} <> {MC_WhereUsed_Requirements_TTX.nActQty} -- this quickly shows me which jobs were over or under "picked" so I can see what has caused inventory to be out. It is not possible to set this formula from the Select Field Name and Select Argument fields but it runs just fine if custom-edited in the Formula window. However, I can't RUN this formula, unless I select from the Field Name and the Select Argument FIRST, and THEN the "apply" button will light up.

Who would benefit from it ?

  • "Power users" that understand how to truly leverage JobBOSS reporting by searching reports to refine data.

How should it work ?

  • The coding behind the "Apply" button needs to be changed in the Search Report pop-up, so that it is accessible any time any content has been added to the "Formula" field.

% Impact Calculated

This is a "time saver" for power users that frequently filter/search JobBOSS reports. On average, I filter reports at least 10 times a day; at a savings of 30 seconds of time each, this would be 5 minutes per day x 5 days a week, equals about half an hour saved; that's about 2% of a work week. This is also a change that would make JobBOSS look even more "polished", if this little details was adjusted.

  • Tameilya Terrace
  • Aug 12 2020
  • Future Consideration
  • Attach files