JobBOSS | Ideas

Add cost to job on PO Receipt, not invoice

One, invoices often lag receipt so Job Costs are delayed. Also, if paid by Credit Card, we don't receive an invoice.

  • Greg Gaul
  • Jun 2 2020
  • Future Consideration
  • Attach files
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    • Guest commented
      July 28, 2020 14:34

      Hi Logan,

      Greg is speaking of the ability to add Actual Cost to the job when parts are received in PO Receiving; he does not want to mark those parts as invoiced until he actually receives his vendor invoice, thus the existing functionality (where actual cost is received when parts are invoiced in PO Receiving) does not work for him.

      As such, I am requesting a change to the status of this Idea.

    • Logan Paquin commented
      June 03, 2020 18:32

      Hi Greg,

      I suggest you contact support about the quantity invoiced function in PO receiving, as you will be able to accomplish what you are looking for by splitting the function between PO receiving and invoicing.