JobBOSS | Ideas

Utility to change Raw Material Attributes

Occasionally someone will enter the wrong information in the Attributes and there is no way to correct this.

  • Andy Knebel
  • May 12 2020
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • dan wild commented
    5 May, 2023 03:04pm

    To make an attribute change, it is necessary to create a new material ID with the correct attributes. You can then also do a Find and Replace when that is done to clear out the old ID. Sales would need to not copy and past e incorrect old Material and move to new one.

  • Todd Gallagher commented
    26 Oct, 2021 04:57pm

    I understand the reason why this is hard to change but if you actually had to use the raw material master you would also see why this has been a problem for many years.

    There has to be something that can bridge the current state to a better state.

  • Logan Paquin commented
    20 May, 2020 06:29pm

    Calculations within JB are made based on those attributes provided, so if that item was used within the system, it used those (incorrect) attributes that were originally entered. This is the reason we lock this.