JobBOSS | Ideas

ShopView Job Search Transfer Quantity does not accurately reflect the parts transfered.

If you do a transfer from the job you can change the part number of the parts transferred which is good because we will sometimes need to re-part number some of the parts based on how they turned out. The problem is when you look at this quantity you assume that these are the quantity of parts that were transfer with the part number that is reflected on this job. to make sure you need to do an investigation.

  • Andy Knebel
  • Apr 21 2020
  • Will not implement
  • Attach files
  • Andy Knebel commented
    7 Oct, 2020 10:56pm

    I understand.

    If by "addressing this issue in the future" you plan to prevent us from changing the part number when we transfer to inventory. That is very concerning since about once a week we need to re-part number something. So if that is the plan please look into a way of still allowing us to re-part number something.

  • Logan Paquin commented
    6 May, 2020 06:30pm


    The product wasn't designed to allow you to change the finished part number you are transferring to inventory, and this is why you are seeing this behavior. We plan to address this issue in the future.