JobBOSS | Ideas

Add Job Numbers to the SOA

You must have a job number to create a pack list and at the moment Job numbers do not print on an SOA, so you either have to hand write or go to adobe and type them in and save and then send to the customer.  Would be so nice if the job number would print on the SOA as it does on the OA for so many purposes. I like my paperwork clean and nice so I go to adobe to type in and save. See my attached on what I do.

  • Tink Willis
  • Feb 21 2020
  • Future Consideration
  • Attach files
  • Logan Paquin commented
    March 04, 2020 19:34


    If you are in need of this right now, our recommendation would be to talk to our custom team, and investigate creating a custom report for your request. Currently, this is not a highly heard from request, based on the difference in how users use SOAs vs OAs.