JobBOSS | Ideas

Quote needs to print the drawing number.

The quote has a field to put the drawing number in, but when printing the quote, the drawing number doesn't appear.  When entering in the drawing number on a job, the drawing number prints out.  I don't see why there is a field for it if you won't see it when it is printed.  Right now we have to enter it in the "part comments".   When someone is entering a quote and adds all the information in the fields expecting them to print and it doesn't, it causes issues.  Our company is based off tractability and document control.  When a drawing number isn't listed on a quote and a customer changes the drawing in which we quoted them, this becomes an issue.  

  • Guest
  • Aug 9 2017
  • Planned
  • Attach files
  • John Novo commented
    19 Jan, 2023 02:13pm

    You can customize your report to include this

  • Angela Williams commented
    7 May, 2018 06:33pm

    I agree! Our company provides internal part #'s which do not match the customer's part number making it impossible for us to print and use the quoting portion of the software.